PhD Defense - November 30, 2018

Joe Raad

ABIES Doctoral School

MIA-Paris, AgroParisTech, INRA - Paris, France
Supervisors: Juliette Dibie, Liliana Ibanescu

LRI, Paris Sud University, CNRS - Orsay, France
Supervisors: Nathalie Pernelle, Fatiha Saïs

Knowledge Graphs

Graph-based representation of some knowledge in a machine-readable format

[Linked Data Principles, Tim Berners-Lee, 2006]

4th principle: "Link your data to other people’s data to provide context."

LOD cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud: a large decentralized Knowledge Graph

Why linking your data?

DrugBank Knowledge Graph
							db:drug33 rdfs:label "Dolasetronum" .
							db:drug33 db:associatedCondition db:nausea .
Freebase Knowledge Graph
							freebase:m.02jq1 freebase:objectName "Dolasetron" .
							freebase:m.452as freebase:sell freebase:m.02jq1 .
							freebase:m.452as freebase:location geonames:Paris .
							db:drug33 owl:sameAs freebase:m.02jq1 .

Where to find a medicine for Nausea in Paris?
(data analysis, data integration → search engines, virtual assistants, recommender systems)


The Standard Semantic Web Identity Predicate


Same real-world entity with two names (IRIs): x and y

- Reflexive: ∀x →〈x,sameAs,x〉
- Symmetric:〈x,sameAs,y〉→〈y,sameAs,x〉
- Transitive:〈x,sameAs,y〉∧〈y,sameAs,z〉→〈x,sameAs,z〉

Identity is Complex...
From a Philosophical Point of View

1. Identity over time poses problems [Lewis, 1986]
Since a ship may be considered the same ship, even though some (or even all) of its original components have been replaced by new ones

Identity is Complex...
From a Philosophical Point of View

1. Identity over time poses problems [Lewis, 1986]

2. Identity is context-dependent [Geach, 1967]
Allowing two medicines with the same chemical structure to be considered the same in a scientific context, but different in a commercial context
(e.g., because they are produced by different companies)

Identity is Complex...
From an Operational Point of View (1/3)

1. Difficulty in finding identity assertions in the Web of Data
Backlinks in the Web of Data cannot be followed

Necessity for an Identity Management Service

  • Access Identity Links
  • Access Identity Sets (after transitive closure)

Identity is Complex...
From an Operational Point of View (2/3)

2. Data linkage approaches are rarely 100% precise
(e.g. precision between 67% and 86% [OAEI 2017, OAEI 2018]

Necessity for an Efficient Identity Invalidation Approach

  • Minimal Assumptions on the Data
  • Scalable to the Web of Data

Identity is Complex...
From an Operational Point of View (3/3)

3. Modelers have different opinions about whether two objects are the same
From a set of 250 owl:sameAs links, one Semantic Web expert judged that only 73 are correct identity links, whilst two other experts have judged 132 and 181 as true identity links, respectively
[Halpin et al., 2010]
4. Lack of alternative well-defined and standardized identity links
rdfs:seeAlso, skos:exactMatch, etc. → subjective + limited inference

Necessity for a new Identity Relation

  • Weaker notion of identity
  • Explicitly represent the context in which two entities are identical

"The SameAs Problem"

The Web of Data contains a large* number of erroneous identity statements

* ∼21%
[Halpin et al., 2010]
Manual evaluation of 250 owl:sameAs from the Web

* ∼2.8%
[Hogan et al., 2012]
Manual evaluation of 1K identical pairs from the Web

This Thesis

How to limit the misuse of identity links in knowledge graphs?


(different but complementary solutions)

Ⅰ. Identity Management Service

Ⅱ. Identity Invalidation Approach

Ⅲ. Contextual Identity Relation

Ⅰ. Identity Management Service

  • W. Beek, J. Raad, J. Wielemaker, and F. van Harmelen
    " The Closure of 500M owl:sameAs Statements".
    Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC, 2018 (best resource paper award)

  • Related Work • Objectives • Approach • Use Cases

    Related Work

    Identity Management Service: help users and applications identify names (IRIs) referring to the same entity | access to identity links and their transitive closure

    [ - Glaser et al., 2009]
    Semantically non-interpretable identity sets | Do not keep original identity assertions
    (e.g. include skos:exactMatch, umbel:isLike)


    A performant solution for accessing names:
    • explicitly claimed to be identical
    • implicitly claimed to be identical (after transitive closure)

    This solution should be semantically interpretable:
    • only include owl:sameAs statements
    (e.g. can be used by a DL reasoner to infer new facts)

    Overall Idea / Contributions

    • Largest dataset of owl:sameAs links extracted from the Web to date

    • Approach for efficiently computing and storing the transitive closure
    • - Minimum memory usage
    • - HDT for compressing the explicit identity network (owl:sameAs links)
    • - RocksDB for storing identity sets (no materialization of the closure)

    • Efficient access to the identity links and their identity sets
    • - Linked Data Fragments for querying triple patterns
    • - HDT and CSV data dumps
    • - APIs
    • - Search bar

    Analysis - Namespace Level

    2.6K namespaces connected by 10.7K edges forming 142 components

    Analysis - IRI Level

    The largest identity set contains 177,794 IRIs that 'should' represent different names to the same real-world entity


    Full list at:

    Ⅱ. Detecting Erroneous Identity Links

  • J. Raad, W. Beek, N. Pernelle, F. Saïs, and F. van Harmelen
    "Détection de liens d’identité erronés en utilisant la détection de communautés dans les graphes d'identité".
    Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information ISI, 2018

  • J. Raad, W. Beek, F. van Harmelen, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
    "Detecting Erroneous Identity Links on the Web using Network Metrics".
    International Semantic Web Conference ISWC, 2018

  • Related Work • Objectives • Approach • Experiments/Evaluation

    Related Work

    Detect erroneous owl:sameAs | Validate correct ones

    • Content-based (textual/resource description, property names)
    [Acosta et al. 2013; Paulheim 2014; Papaleo et al. 2014; Cuzzola et al. 2015]
    Mappings/textual description not always available | Property names similarity is not sufficient

    • Inconsistency-based (ontology axioms, differentFrom, UNA)
    [Cudre-Mauroux et al. 2009; de Melo 2013; Valdestilhas et al. 2017; Hogan et al. 2012; Papaleo et al. 2014]
    Assumptions not always valid/available on the Web of Data

    • Network Metrics (sameAs chains, degree, centrality)
    [Guéret et al. 2012]
    Low Accuracy

    No approach has proven its feasibility on the Web of Data


    Scalable to the Web of Data

    No assumptions on the data
    (e.g. UNA, textual description, schema mappings)

    High accuracy, precision and recall

    Provide materialized and public results on real-world data

    Overall Idea

    Use the community structure of the network containing solely owl:sameAs links to detect erroneous identity links (and validate correct ones) + links symmetry

    Identity Link Invalidation Approach
    [4 main steps]

    1. Extract the explicit identity network
    (weighted network of owl:sameAs links)
    2. Partition the sameAs network into equality sets
    (connected component theoretically representing the same entity)
    3. Detect the community structure within each equality set
    Using the Louvain algorithm based on the Modularity measure [Blondel et al., 2008]

    Identity Link Invalidation Approach
    [4 main steps]

    1. Extract the explicit identity network
    (weighted network of owl:sameAs links)
    2. Partition the sameAs network into equality sets
    (connected component theoretically representing the same entity)

    3. Detect the community structure within each equality set

    4. Assign an error degree for each owl:sameAs link
    [0, 1] based on the weight of the link and the density of the community(ies)

    Quantitative Evaluation

    Error degree distribution of 556 million owl:sameAs [LOD-a-lot dataset]
    (total runtime: 11 hours on 2 CPU cores)

    • Check if links with high error degree have higher probability of incorrectness
    • Fix a threshold that maximizes accuracy, precision and recall

    Qualitative Evaluation (1/2)

    Manual evaluation of 200 random owl:sameAs by 4 Semantic Web experts
    0-0.2 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.6 0.6-0.8 0.8-1 Total
    Total 40 40 40 40 40 200
    can't tell 5 18 19 31 18 91
    same 35
    related + unrelated 0

    1. The higher an error degree is, the more likely an owl:sameAs link is erroneous

    2. All evaluated links with an error degree ≤ 0.4 are correct

    Qualitative Evaluation (2/2)

    Evaluation of 5 different samples (1,038 owl:sameAs after discarding can't tell)
    • 258 owl:sameAs extracted from the dataset (78 from gold standard)
    • 780 injected erroneous owl:sameAs (from 40 random different terms)

    When threshold is fixed at 0.99 (true positive TP = wrong sameAs + err > 0.99)
    • 71% precision (TP / TP + FP)
    • 91% recall (TP / TP + FN)
    • 92% accuracy (TP + TN / Total)
    • 1.2M owl:sameAs with an error degree > 0.99

    Additional Evaluation

    • Precision increases in larger equality sets
    precision increases from 40% in random equality sets to 88% in the largest equality set

    • Reciprocally asserted owl:sameAs are more likely to be correct
    discarded the weight from the error degree → precision drops from 88% to 11% in the largest equality set

    We estimate that 4% of owl:sameAs links in the LOD Cloud are erroneous
    (around 22 million owl:sameAs)

    (based on error degree distribution + number of symmetrical links)

    Identity depends on who's asking

    Some of the detected owl:sameAs are clearly erroneous
    〈Bolivia, owl:sameAs, Albert_Einstein〉

    Some identity assertions relate two closely related terms that are considered the same in some applications but not in others
    (explains the disagreement between Semantic Web experts in judging owl:sameAs links [Halpin et al. 2010])

    We need a contextual identity relation

    Ⅲ. Contextual Identity Relation

  • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, F. Saïs, J. Dibie, L. Ibanescu, and S. Dervaux
    "Comment représenter et découvrir des liens d’identités contextuels dans une base de connaissances : applications à des données expérimentales en science du vivant".
    Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle RIA, 2018

  • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
    "Detection of Contextual Identity Links in a Knowledge Base".
    Knowledge Capture Conference K-Cap, 2017

  • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
    "Détection de liens d’identité contextuels dans une base de connaissances".
    28es Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances IC, 2017 (best paper award)

  • L. Ibanescu, J. Dibie, S. Dervaux, E. Guichard, and J. Raad
    "PO2 - A Process and Observation Ontology in Food Science. Application to Dairy Gels".
    Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research MTSR, 2016

  • Related Work • Objectives • Approach • Experiments

    Related Work

    Propose alternative semantics for identity

    • Alternative Predicates (skos:exactMatch, Similarity Ontology)
    [Halpin et al., 2010]
    Subjective | Context not Explicit | Limited Inference

    • Contextual Identity (context is a set of properties)
    [Beek et al., 2016]
    Considers only local data properties | No RDF representation of contexts

    Contextual Identity Objectives

    1. Explicitly associate the identity relation to a context

    2. Represent the context in RDF
    owl:sameAs → two names can be used interchangeably within the available set of knowledge (ontology is a formal representation of the knowledge)

    contextual identity → two names can be used interchangeably in a subset of the available knowledge (subset of the ontology)

    3. Automatically detect the contexts in which two instances are identical

    Contextual Identity - Example

    In which context “drug1” is considered as identical to “drug2”?

    Contextual Identity - Example

    1. In a context where we discard the property “name” and “hasValue”

    Contextual Identity - Example

    2. In a context where we discard the property “name” and the Weight of Lactose

    Contributions / Approach

    1. Introduce the notion of a Global Context
    (a global context is a sub-ontology represented as a Named Graph in RDF)

    							Given an RDFS Ontology O = (C, P, A) with  
    							C = set of classes
    							P = set of properties
    							A = set of axioms (e.g. domains and ranges, subsumption)
    							A (Global) Context is a sub ontology GCu = (Cu, Pu, Au) with 
    							Cu ⊆ DepC ⊆  C
    							Pu ⊆ P
    							Au = domain and range axioms more specific than those described in A

    Some contexts are more specific than others (order relation)
    GCu ≤ GCv
    if Cv ⊆ Cu, Pv ⊆ Pu, and ∀p ∈ Pv:
    domainv(p) ⊑ domainu(p) and rangev(p) ⊑ rangeu(p)

    Contributions / Approach

    1. Introduce the notion of a Global Context
    (a global context is a sub-ontology represented as a Named Graph in RDF)

    2. Define the conditions in which two class instances are identical in a Global Context

    (if their contextual descriptions are isomorphic up to a renaming of the instances IRI)

    Contributions / Approach

    1. Introduce the notion of a Global Context
    (a global context is a sub-ontology represented as a Named Graph in RDF)

    2. Define the conditions in which two class instances are identical in a Global Context
    (if their contextual descriptions are isomorphic up to a renaming of the instances IRI)

    3. Detect the most specific Global Context(s) in which a pair of instances of a target class are identical

    Contextual Identity in Practice

    Can these identity links be detected in a real-world knowledge graph?

    What is the benefit of having contextual identity links in a knowledge graph?

    Complex case:
    Scientific data in the domain of Life Sciences

    Complexity - Life Sciences Data

    Conditions tend to change even slightly from one experiment to another
    → things can rarely be declared the same
    (e.g. not the exact same materials, different sample size, different experts)

    Identity depends on each expert and application
    → impossible that experts manually provide all possible contexts

    Complex Ontologies
    (large number of classes, different granularity, long paths for attaining literal values)

    Current Situation: disconnected experiments or erroneous owl:sameAs
    → limited or erroneous inferences

    In addition to identity problems...

    1. Syntactic Problems
    heterogeneity of the formats in which scientific data are published

    2. Semantic Problems
    terminological variations encountered across the multiple scientific datasets
    (e.g. synonyms, aliases, multilingualism)

    LIONES Project

    1. Make scientific experiments Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable
    [FAIR principles, 2016]
    2. Link these scientific experiments

    Best practices: adopt Linked Data principles
    (construct 5-star knowledge graphs)
    [Linked Data Principles - Tim Berners-Lee, 2010]

    Process and Observation Ontology (PO2)

    67 classes, 61 object properties, 12 data properties
    Integrated with BFO | Aligned with SOSA, SSN, QUDT, and OWL-Time

    5-star Knowledge Graph for Life Sciences

    http: //

    Contextual Identity for Life Sciences

    Mixture Step
    # Individuals of target class 1,187 581
    # Possible pairs 703,891 168,490
    # Different Global Contexts 2,232 718
    # Identity Links 1,279,376 348,017
    # Most Specific Global Context per pair 1.81 2.06

    Contextual Identity for Rule Detection

    identical〈GCi〉(x, y) ∧ observationMeasure(x, m1)
    → observationMeasure(y, m2) with m1 ≃ m2

    38,844 rules were discovered
    after exploiting the global contexts order relation
    Example: identical〈GC3〉(x, y) → same(pH)
    [4.5% error rate; 647 support]
    x and y have the same citric acid weight

    On average the error rate of a rule decreases by 12 p.p when a global context is replaced by a more specific global context

    Conclusion &

    Research Question

    How to limit the misuse of identity links
    in Knowledge Graphs?

    Results Summary

    • • Largest collection of semantically interpretable identity statements and its transitive closure
    • • Efficient solution to compute the closure and store/access the sameAs statements and closure
    • Help users/applications in finding and reusing identical terms → enhance identity-based systems (e.g. question answering under entailment, ontology alignment)
    II. Identity Invalidation Approach
    • • Use community structure and link symmetry to assign an error degree for each owl:sameAs link
    • • No assumptions on the data, scales to the Web (increases SoA by an order of magnitude)
    • Detect erroneous identity links and validate correct ones (precision/recall depends on threshold)
    III. Contextual Identity Relation
    • • Explicitly associate the context(s) in which two instances are identical (context is a sub-ontology)
    • • Approach for automatically detecting contextual identity links (can use experts knowledge to filter irrelevant contexts, tested on a newly constructed knowledge graph for life sciences)
    • Exploited for detecting rules to predict missing information, store/query the similarity of instances


    Detect Erroneous Identity Links with Higher Precision
    • Combine different community detection techniques (e.g. choose technique resulting highest network modularity, combine error degrees, or choose a technique depending on the network structure)
    • Include equality set's size (study its impact on precision e.g. # terms, # links, or # communities)
    • Combine different invalidation approaches (apply other techniques on links with high error degree)
    Adaptation Strategies for Contextual Identity
    • Relaxed identity of literals (study its impact on inference)
    • Adapt relation to ontology mappings
    • Relax algorithm constraints (e.g. use all ontology classes)
    Knowledge Discovery
    • Calculate contexts of difference (contextual identity do not distinguish between the absence of a property and the difference of the property values)
    • Detect causal rules (e.g. combine contexts of identity/difference with the instances temporal aspects)

    Thank You!

    • J. Raad, W. Beek, N. Pernelle, F. Saïs, and F. van Harmelen
      "Détection de liens d’identité erronés en utilisant la détection de communautés dans les graphes d'identité".
      Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information ISI, 2018

    • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, F. Saïs, J. Dibie, L. Ibanescu, and S. Dervaux
      "Comment représenter et découvrir des liens d’identités contextuels dans une base de connaissances :
      applications à des données expérimentales en science du vivant".
      Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle RIA, 2018

    • J. Raad, W. Beek, F. van Harmelen, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
      "Detecting Erroneous Identity Links on the Web using Network Metrics".
      International Semantic Web Conference ISWC, 2018

    • W. Beek, J. Raad, J. Wielemaker, and F. van Harmelen
      " The Closure of 500M owl:sameAs Statements".
      Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC, 2018 (best resource paper award)

    • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
      "Detection of Contextual Identity Links in a Knowledge Base".
      Knowledge Capture Conference K-Cap, 2017

    • J. Raad, N. Pernelle, and F. Saïs
      "Détection de liens d’identité contextuels dans une base de connaissances".
      28es Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances IC, 2017 (best paper award)

    • L. Ibanescu, J. Dibie, S. Dervaux, E. Guichard, and J. Raad
      "PO2 - A Process and Observation Ontology in Food Science. Application to Dairy Gels".
      Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research MTSR, 2016



    Manual evaluation of 200 random owl:sameAs by 4 Semantic Web experts

    1. All evaluated links with an error degree ≤ 0.4 are correct

    2. The higher an error degree is, the more likely an owl:sameAs link is erroneous


    Manual evaluation of 60 owl:sameAs with err > 0.9

    3. Links with an err > 0.99 and belonging to large equality sets are more likely to be incorrect

    Accuracy / Recall Evaluation
    (threshold 0.99)

    Gold standard: 78 correct DBpedia-Freebase owl:sameAs
    [Acosta et al. 2013]
    77 / 78 links have an err ≤ 0.99
    (error degree ranging from 0.52 to 0.94)
    98.7% Accuracy

    Randomly chose 40 different terms (e.g. dbr:Strawberry, dbr:Chair)
    not explicitly sameAs but some in the same equality set
    Added all the possible 780 links between them

    725/780 have an error degree > 0.99
    (error degree ranging from 0.87 to 0.9999)
    93% Recall

    Qualitative Evaluation

    TN: correct sameAs + error degree ≤ 0.99
    TP: erroneous sameAs + error degree > 0.99

    TN TP FN FP Total
    Sample 1 [200 random sameAs] 97 0 12 0 109
    Sample 2 [60 sameAs > 0.9] 6 20 5 8 39
    Sample 3 [Obama Equality Set] 30 2 0 0 32
    Sample 4 [DBPedia-Freebase sameAs] 77 0 0 1 78
    Sample 5 [Injected erroneous sameAs] 0 725 55 0 780
    Total 210 747 72 9 1038

    40 - 71% Precision
    TP/TP + FP
    90 - 92% Accuracy
    TN + TP/Total
    56 - 91% Recall
    TP/TP + FN

    Symmetry Impact (1/2)

    Symmetrical Non-symmetrical Total
    Total 94 164 258
    same 92
    related + unrelated 2

    1. Symmetrical owl:sameAs links are more likely to be correct

    Symmetry Impact (2/2)

    Discarded the weight from the error degree

    Manual evaluation of 30 sameAs links with error degree > 0.99 + in the largest equality set

    Only 2 erroneous owl:sameAs
    (17 correct and 11 can't tell)

    Precision drops from 88% to 11%
    (in the largest equality set)

    Equality Set - 'Barack Obama'

    440 names 'should' denote the same real-world entity (EqSet 5723)

    C0: person; C1: president; C2: government; C3: senator

    Who is messing up the LOD Cloud?

    							  freebase:m.05b6w1g owl:sameAs dbr:President_Barack_Obama
    							  freebase:m.05b6w1g owl:sameAs dbr:President_Obama 						 
    							  freebase:m.05b6w1g "Presidency of Barack Obama"@en 							  
    The two only owl:sameAs with an error degree > 0.9999
    (in the 'Barack Obama' equality set)

    How messed up is the LOD Cloud?

    Our approach can give an approximation based on:

    1. nbr of symmetrical sameAs
    (450M owl:sameAs with 98% chance of correctness)

    2. nbr of non-symmetrical sameAs with err degree ≤0.99
    (105M owl:sameAs with a 88.6% chance of correctness)

    3. nbr of non-symmetrical sameAs with err degree >0.99
    (1.2M owl:sameAs with an erroneous probability between 40 and 88%)

    We estimate that 4% of owl:sameAs links in the LOD are erroneous
    (around 22.5M links)

    previous estimations:
    2.8% by [Hogan et al. 2012] and 21% by [Halpin et al. 2010]

    DECIDE (1/3)

    DECIDE (2/3)

    DECIDE (3/3)